In October, Canton Stanstead became the owner of St-Éphrem Church, located in the heart of the village of Fitch Bay.

Since then, the Canton has undertaken a series of activities to determine the building’s future:

  • 2 teams of UQAM project management students crisscrossed Quebec (virtually) to find projects in churches of similar size to inspire us on possible projects.
  • In March, citizens of the Canton were invited to identify innovative projects relevant to our community.

The following projects were submitted in response to the call for entries:

Appel aux projets

Projet de centre sportif récréatif de J. Bagnall -Louise Hébert

Poste déchange de Suzie Adam

Fitch Housing de James McGregor

Lavenir de l’eglise St-Ephrem de Elisabeth Lemire

Centre multifonctionnel de Lyne Mondor